finally got some sketch done after slacking off 2weeks! shame on me, I am currently trying to design a "reallistic " character concept that I want to develop further into 3D model and texture. for many many reasons......
darn it.... I need to catch a breath....what the heck.. so much things happening around my family, mostly bad things... shame on me i need to put a side this project for a while.
This week and last week I could not do any doodle, I mean i doodled around, but couldn't scan them in. crunching is at peak and I got sick -_-, and thanks to world baseball classic I had no free time... I will pick it up again next week when crunch is over!
another painting pre-exsiting character i have done couple eyars ago. starting so many paintings and not finishing one! but I am too busy with work these days!
So I found out there can't be female space marine! oh well guess I was unaware of warhammer lore. so yea here goes maid! with gun! prolly do some simple painting for this later on.
yes, I got distracted to playing warhammer 40k, Dawn of war 2 and skipped weekends -_-. but here is somethign to make up for it. Crunhciing at work so didn't get around to finish up my painting character.